Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
ALL treatment is broadly divided into 2 phases - Intensive Phase and Maintenance Phase. The intensive phase of treatment is further divided into 4 sub-phases – induction, consolidation, interim maintenance and delayed intensification [1].
Maintenance therapy (MT), the longest phase of ALL treatment consists of ~2 years (96 weeks or 8 cycles - 12 weeks per cycle) [1]. Patients are advised to visit hospital every alternate week (every two weeks) for consultation and on a weekly basis in case of toxicities (neutropenia, thrombocytopenia or any other). Overall, a patient should ideally have a minimum of 48 visits during MT. During each visit, patient’s blood report is examined for the following parameters - absolute neutrophil count (ANC), platelet count (PLT) and hemoglobin (HB) to adjust (or dose titrations) the drugs: 6-mercaptopurine (6MP) and Methotrexate (MTX) that are prescribed on weekly basis.
ALL studies, across the globe, have shown that delivering optimal MT is crucial to achieve better treatment outcomes [2]. Delivering optimal MT is ensured by prescribing maximum tolerated 6MP and MTX doses that are adjusted patient’s hospital visit. In view of this, the package was created to analyse and visualize the ALL MT data (ANC/PLT/HB/6MP/MTX)1. The use of package would assist physicians to evaluate MT for a given patient or a cohort at any center. Although, the package was developed considering the ICiCLe-ALL-14 protocol [1] as default, it can be used to analyze data from centers with different MT protocols. In case of different protocol, the user will need to alter the defined parameters specific to protocol as function arguments.
Using this package the user may:
Convert maintenance sheets (Tata Medical Center Kolkata, India format or user dependent) into a cleaner, single csv with longitudinal data for each patient.
Analyze MT
At an individual patient level
To track patient’s MT progression during or after therapy [3].
To track patient’s cycle-by-cycle MT progression during or after the therapy using summary measure (SM) weighted mean (6MP*MTX) vs weighted mean ANC parameters in a scatterplot.
At cohort level
SM plot to analyze MT for a given cohort defined by the user. SM is evaluated for each patient and plotted together to represent the entire cohort [3].
Compare SM for two different cohort defined by the user to evaluate MT practice. Cohort comparisons can include clinical interventions, year-wise practice evolution, patients treated by two different set of physicians, or as user see it fit [3].
Evaluate real time dosing decisions (stop, reduce or increase) by the physicians during MT based on MT dosing guidelines for the individual patient or cohort [3].
Evaluate hematological toxicities - neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and anemia during MT for the individual patient or cohort.
Evaluate/plot median time to first 6MP dose increase for the individual patient or cohort [3].
The data recording sheet used by TMC can be downloaded/copied as
To use functions of the package, the data needs to be in a specific format as described in below example. Sample data2 for 3 individual patient is available as UPN_914, UPN_915, and UPN_916 as rda with the library for viewing. Additionally, UPN_914, UPN_915, UPN_916, UPN_917 and UPN_918 are present under the folder “/extdata/processed_data/” as csv format to run any examples.
Data can be checked or saved as
- Convert information recorded
in the TMC datasheet format to a format that will be used by package
- Convert MT information
(user defined) to a format that will be used by package functions.
Note: User need to ensure the MT information is stored
in an excel or csv with column names as - Dates, ANC, PLT, MP, MTX. The
function will convert this sheet into required format.
The output of both the functions will result in standard patient csv files (as described Data section) saved in a folder defined by the user.
- Plot line graph showing
historical longitudinal trends of ANC, 6MP and MTX for a single patient.
This function can be use by the doctors during the MT clinic to monitor
patients’ MT dose prescription and treatment response in real
- Plot SM data per
cycle for given patient data. Utility as above.
- Plot scatter plot (SM) for
all the patients from user defined cohort.
- Plot scatter plot (SM) for all
the patients present in user defined multiple cohorts (more than 1
cohort) . Two methods of cohort comparison can be considered for
analysis as mentioned below:
Method 1 - Comparison between cohorts that began MT before and after a particular user-provided date.
Method 2 - Comparison between more than 1 cohorts pre-determined by the user.
- The function evaluates the
incidence of ‘No Dose’ physician’s decisions that are NOT supported by
protocol-based target blood counts.
- The function evaluates the
incidence of ‘Reduce Dose’ physician’s decisions that are NOT supported
by protocol-based target blood counts.
- The function evaluates
the incidence of ‘Increase Dose’ physician’s decisions that are NOT
supported by protocol-based target blood counts.
Note: Depending upon value provided for the argument ‘input_files_path’ as a
- The function evaluates number
of neutropenia episodes as per the neutropenia definition provided in
‘anc_range’ argument - c(a,b). a is defined as highest value of ANC
threshold for neutropenic condition, and b is defined as ANC value above
which neutropenic condition is said to be recovered.
- The function evaluates
number of thrombocytopenia episodes as per the thrombocytopenia
definition provided in ‘plt_range’ argument - c(a,b). a is defined as
highest value of PLT threshold for thrombocytopenia condition, and b is
defined as PLT value above which thrombocytopenic condition is said to
be recovered.
- The function evaluates number of
anemia episodes as per the anemia definition provided in ‘hb_range’
argument - c(a,b). a is defined as highest value of Hb threshold for
anemia condition, and b is defined as Hb value above which anemic
condition is said to be recovered.
Note: Depending upon value provided for the argument ‘input_files_path’ as a
- Plot the graph showing
median time to first 6MP dose increase for the cohort (if input file is
an individual patient instead of cohort, function displays value for an
individual patient in question)The work was initiated as part of Tushar Mungle’s PhD at IIT Kharagpur [3] and then continued at TTCRC, Tata Medical Center, Kolkata.↩︎
Ethics approval statement: The anonymized clinical data set refers to patients treated on the ICiCLe-ALL-14 treatment protocol at the Tata Medical Center Kolkata (institutional review board approval EC/TMC/12/13 for the treatment protocol). Funding support for the ICiCLe-ALL-14 clinical study (Clinical Trials Registry-India reference CTRI/2015/12/006434) was provided by the National Cancer Grid (2016/001; 2016-) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (79/159/2015/NCD-III; 2017-19).↩︎